How to Prepare a Business Plan from Scratch

By Jessica LaShawn, Founder of Mogul Academy and Jessica LaShawn Consulting

Whether you’re launching a startup, expanding a business, or simply refining your company’s strategy, a business plan is essential for outlining your vision, setting goals, and making informed decisions. But how do you create a business plan from scratch? It might seem overwhelming, but with a clear roadmap and focus on identifying value and understanding supply and demand, the process becomes a powerful tool for success.

At Mogul Academy and Jessica LaShawn Consulting, we believe that business fundamentals are crucial to success in any industry, including the tech world. By partnering with businesses, we expose students to the building blocks of entrepreneurship and innovation, while helping them understand how supply, demand, and value drive the marketplace. This post will serve as both a step-by-step guide for preparing a business plan and a roadmap for how companies can collaborate with us to teach these core principles to the next generation.

Lesson Plan: Understanding the Importance of Value and Supply & Demand in Business Planning

To educate students, educators, and aspiring entrepreneurs on the critical role that identifying value and understanding supply and demand play in creating a successful business plan.

The foundation of any business lies in answering a few key questions: What is the value your business offers? Who needs it? And how will you meet that demand? These questions are at the heart of business planning. When students grasp these concepts, they can start thinking like business leaders and innovators, making them better prepared for diverse industries—especially in the tech sector.

At Mogul Academy, we teach students how to approach business planning by analyzing value creation and how market demand shapes successful companies. By introducing students to these fundamentals, we’re preparing them not only to enter the workforce but to innovate within it.

Business Plan: Partnering to Teach Business Fundamentals to Students

To outline a strategic partnership between businesses, Mogul Academy, and Jessica LaShawn Consulting to expose students to the tech industry and fundamental business skills, such as supply and demand analysis and value identification.

Business companies are in a unique position to guide the next generation of leaders by showing them how business structures work. By partnering with Mogul Academy, you can offer students real-world insights into how businesses identify value and adapt to meet demand. Here’s how your business can make an impact:

  1. Business Fundamentals Workshops: Companies can collaborate with us to host workshops that introduce students to the core principles of business planning. These sessions will focus on identifying a business’s value proposition and understanding supply and demand dynamics.
  2. Mentorship Programs: Industry professionals can mentor students, offering personalized guidance on how to create and refine a business plan from scratch. By sharing their real-world experiences, mentors can help students see how successful businesses identify gaps in the market and meet the needs of their customers.
  3. Tech Industry Exposure: As a partner, you can help us introduce students to the tech industry by offering case studies and business models that show how technology-driven businesses evolve to meet market demands.
  4. Hands-On Learning Experiences: Through internships, job shadowing, and interactive projects, students can learn how supply and demand impact different business structures, gaining practical experience in identifying opportunities for growth and innovation.

By working together, we can inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs and equip them with the tools they need to thrive in a diverse and ever-changing business landscape.

Step-by-Step Presentation: How to Prepare a Business Plan from Scratch

To provide a step-by-step guide for creating a business plan from scratch, with a focus on identifying value and understanding supply and demand.

Step 1: Executive Summary
The executive summary is the first section of your business plan, but it’s typically written last. It provides an overview of your business, your goals, and your strategy. Keep it concise but compelling—this is where you’ll capture the reader’s interest.

Student Learning: We teach students how to create a clear, concise summary that communicates their business idea, goals, and vision effectively.

Step 2: Business Description
Here, you’ll provide a detailed description of your business. Include information about what your company does, who your target market is, and how your business meets a specific need or solves a problem. This is where you start to define your value proposition.

Real-World Example: At Mogul Academy, students work on business descriptions for different industries, learning how to communicate value clearly.

Step 3: Market Analysis
A thorough market analysis is essential to understanding supply and demand. Who are your competitors? What is the current market demand for your product or service? Identify key trends and opportunities within the market that your business can capitalize on. This section demonstrates your understanding of the business landscape.

Business Exposure: Companies can provide case studies for students, allowing them to explore market demand in real-world scenarios. This helps students see the direct connection between market analysis and business success.

Step 4: Organization and Management
Outline the organizational structure of your business. Who will be running the company? Include bios of your management team, highlighting their experience and expertise. Investors and stakeholders want to know that the people behind the business are capable of executing the plan.

Mentorship Opportunity: Business professionals can mentor students on the importance of having a strong leadership team and how to communicate the value of their management structure in a business plan.

Step 5: Products or Services
This section focuses on the value your products or services bring to the market. Describe your offerings in detail and explain how they meet customer needs. Highlight any unique selling points (USPs) that set your product apart from the competition.

Hands-On Learning: At Mogul Academy, we encourage students to develop mock business ideas and explain how their products or services offer value in the marketplace.

Step 6: Marketing and Sales Strategy
Your marketing and sales strategy outlines how you plan to attract and retain customers. Discuss your sales channels, advertising plans, pricing strategy, and how you’ll position your product in the market to maximize value and meet demand.

Real-World Application: Companies can expose students to real-life marketing strategies through internships or project-based learning, giving them insight into how businesses drive demand.

Step 7: Funding Request
If you’re seeking investment, this section outlines how much funding you’ll need to start or grow your business. Be specific about how the funds will be used—whether for product development, marketing, or hiring staff.

Business Mentorship: Professionals can help students understand the process of securing funding and crafting a compelling funding request.

Step 8: Financial Projections
This section includes your financial forecasts for the next few years. You’ll need to project your income, expenses, and profitability. Use real data when possible, and ensure your projections are realistic and based on your market analysis.

Student Learning: We offer students the chance to work on financial modeling, giving them practical experience in creating business forecasts and understanding cash flow management.

Step 9: Appendix
The appendix is where you include any additional information that supports your business plan, such as resumes, legal documents, or product diagrams. While not always necessary, it’s a great place to provide further details that may be relevant to investors or stakeholders.

Final Step: Students at Mogul Academy are encouraged to refine their business plans by adding supporting documentation that strengthens their overall presentation.

Conclusion: Building Future Business Leaders through Business Planning

Creating a business plan is not just about having a roadmap for your company—it’s about understanding the value you bring to the market and how supply and demand shape the success of your business. At Mogul Academy and Jessica LaShawn Consulting, we are passionate about teaching students these critical business fundamentals, preparing them to enter industries where innovation and entrepreneurship are key.

By partnering with business companies, we can expose students to real-world applications of business planning, helping them build the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Together, we can inspire a new generation of business leaders who are ready to change the future.

Are you ready to get involved? Join us at Jessica LaShawn Consulting and partner with Mogul Academy to empower students with the tools and skills they need to excel in the world of business.

About Jessica LaShawn
Jessica LaShawn is the founder of Mogul Academy and Jessica LaShawn Consulting, where she mentors youth, empowers businesses, and bridges the gap between education and industry. With a focus on holistic development, Jessica helps companies build socially responsible partnerships while nurturing the next generation of professionals in a tech-driven world.

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To provide a comprehensive understanding of ERP systems and demonstrate how these tools support business operations across various industries.

ERP Software helps businesses streamline their operations by integrating different departments into a single system. From managing finances and inventory to tracking employee productivity, ERP systems provide a bird’s-eye view of a company’s processes, allowing leaders to make data-informed decisions that can scale as the business grows.

At Mogul Academy, we take these lessons beyond the classroom. We partner with ERP companies to introduce students to the tech industry, showing them the significant impact that ERP systems have on businesses across diverse sectors like healthcare, education, finance, and manufacturing. By doing so, we prepare students not only to appreciate how businesses function but also to explore careers in technology that directly contribute to driving industries forward.

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