Unlock Your Dreams!

Lets work together to build a brand that makes you proud daily while you serve your global community . Your brand is more than a logo, font and colors- it is an experience that empowers, equips and changes the world with every experience. Your brand is your legacy. Lets help it LIVE!

At Jessica LaShawn Consulting we focus on the person behind the brand to curate a networking strategy that makes raising awareness on and offline more organic and natural. Our focus is to take the business out of the experience but ensure to maintain

A little More About Our Niche

What Makes Us Different

At Jessica LaShawn Consulting we focus on the person behind the brand to curate a networking strategy that makes raising awareness on and offline more organic and natural. Our focus is to take the business out of the experience but ensure to maintain professionalism, clarity and quality.

How Did It All Start?

A few weeks ago I was on a panel and I said something in public that I’ve never wanted to admit. That I felt like a failure and stopped doing something I loved because of negativity. The truth is , I was bullied! Badly! Physically harmed and more. But none of that takes away from my story.